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Duolingo Review


Learn any language of your choice from the vast list of available langues in a simplified, engaging way.
Practice speaking, reading, writing and translating through MCQ.

Fastest growing language courses:
Ø  English for French natives (8M)
Ø  German for French natives (100K)
Most popular language courses:
Ø  English for Spanish natives (60M)
Ø  Spanish for English natives (50M)
Ø  French for English natives (30M)

ü  Its Free! Learning a language can never get more affordable.
ü  Its effective to learn at your own pace.

ü  Its simple to use, making it useful for young students.
ü  Makes learning easy with audio, fun graphics, bite-size lessons and progress rewards.
ü  Groups lessons into themes like food and common phrases to strengthen recognition and retention.

ü  User-friendly and interactive - lets you set personal goals or start a club to compete with friends.

ü  Prelim test for learners who know the basics.

Released on: 29 May 2013
Updated on: 22 May 2018
Update size: 8.43 MB
Downloads: 100,000,000+ downloads

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